First Aid Tips For Treating Injuries
These are first aid home safety tips for treating the 5 most common home injuries. These list will help you treat common household injures by using basic first aid. Many injuries at home are minor and can be fixed with a visit to houses first aid kit.

1.Bug bites can occur at anytime. It is difficult to prevent a bug from biting you even with the use of bug spray there is still a small chance of getting bit. The first thing you should do is make sure the person is not having an allergic reaction. Many people are allergic to bees and other types of insects. Signs you should look for are shortness of breath,swelling near the bite,dizziness and itching. If they are having an allergic reaction call for help immediately. If the person is not having a reaction to the bug bite you should clean it with an alcohol pad to get rid of any germs. Than put a bandage on it to prevent dirty from getting near the bite. You can also put an ice pack on it to help reduce any pain or swelling.
2.Nausea can become very uncomfortable. While being nauseous doesn’t necessarily mean yiou are going to vomit it can still make you feel ill. You can often treat nausea with medicines that are in your first aid kit. Pepto bismal is made for upset stomachs. If you have some in your first aid kit yoiu should take it at the first signs of nausea. There are also other remedies that should be in all home first aid kits such as Dramamine which is a motion sickness medication. It will also help your stomach stop feeling queasy. If you have neither of these in your kit you can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
3.Bloody noses are bound to happen there is almost no way to prevent them from occurring. Know the right first aid for a bloody nose will help you get the situation under control quickly. There are a few steps you must follow to stop a bloody nose. The first is to find a small piece of tissue paper and roll it into a ball or cylinder and put it in the bleeding nostril. It should fit in the nose without causing to much added pressure. Than take your index finger and thumb and place them on the bridge of your nose and press firmly. Finally hold this spot for two minutes to be sure the blood flow has stopped. These is the quickest and easiest way to stop a bloody nose.
4.Cut fingers can be tricky. You must first decide how bad the cut really is and if it needs stitches. Once you have decided that home first aid is all that is needed you should clean the area. Use a mild soap and water to clean the cut than dry it with a clean cloth. Next put a antibiotic ointment such on the cut to help reduce the chances of infection. Finally wrap the cut with a clean gauze and medical tape. You should wear the gauze until a scab starts to form. If it becomes dirty or bloody it should be changed immediately.
5.Splinters can be extremely painful and cause infections if left untreated. If you find a splinter in your finger the first thing you should do is clean the area with soap and warm water. Than get a clean needle and a pair of tweezers. If you can see the top of the splinter you should be able to just pull it out using the tweezers. If it is under the skin you will have to use the needle to scrape of a layer of skin until you can reach it with the tweezers. After you have removed the splinter you will need to clean the area with an alcohol pad to help reduce the chances of an infection.