Background Checks
The tools to safeguard your business
Background Checks & Investigations
Even a well-run company will eventually find itself needing to conduct an internal investigation of employee behavior.
As an employer you may need to investigate employee claims of discrimination, sexual harassment, violence in the workplace, or other prohibited conduct. An employee claim of harassment, workplace violence, or other improper conduct represents an unwanted disruption to your company’s business.
With an immediate and focused investigation, you can mitigate the loss of time and productivity.
We will discreetly handle any sensitive employee situations that might require civil, criminal, or financial investigations.
Background Checks & Fingerprint Services
Hiring qualified, honest employees is critical to the success of any business. Using the electronic fingerprinting Webcheck system, we can securely capture ink-less fingerprints and submit them electronically to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI). BCI will send results to the designated recipient We can provide both BCI and FBI background checks. We also offer background checks for those not requiring fingerprinting through the National Criminal Database.
Additional services such as BMV driving records, Education verification and Worker’s Comp claims are also available.