Most school bus fatalities occur when children are outside the bus, and three-quarters of the tragedies involve children under the age of nine. School bus safety starts with parents. Take a few minutes to make sure your kids understand the rules of the road.
Here’s 7 tips to keep your kids school bus safe before they get on the bus.
- be on time
- never run to or from the bus
- stand back from the curb
- always obey the driver
- wait for the driver’s signal before crossing
- always cross at least 20 fee in front of the bus
- never crawl under a school bus
Coordinate with other parents to make sure that an adult is present at the bus stop every day, especially with children under age nine.
Drawstrings can catch in school bus doors, playground equipment, and fences, and escalators. Remove or replace drawstrings with another kind of fastener.
By following simple rules, you can keep your kids safe – before they get on the bus.